ID | 2048 |
Eprint ID | 2048
フルテキストURL | |
タイトル(別表記) | 涙痕下端-骨頭中心間距離からみた先天性股関節脱臼後の二次性変形性股関節症の予後予測
著者 |
永澤 大
抄録 | We followed-up a group of patients in their youth and then in middle age after they had been treated for developmental dislocation of the hip, and studied whether we could predict the progress of osteoarthritis of the hip when the patients were in the "youth" stage. We studied 21 hips of 21 patients with unilateral dislocation that could be examined twice, in 1975 and 1995, in patients who were treated at our hospital between 1953 and 1963. We measured the acetabular-head index (AHI), center-edge angle (CE angle), and the Sharp angle, and our created index (inferior edge of the teardrop - center of the femoral head distance), and we divided this index by the distance of the inferior edges of the teardrops on both sides. Using these measured values, we studied whether we could predict changes in clinical and radiographic evaluation after a follow-up of 20 years. There was no significant correlation of clinical and radiographic results and AHI, CE angle, and the Sharp angle; however, there was a significant correlation with our created index. The index we created is relatively easily measured and enables us to make a more precise prognosis, in comparison with previously developed indices.
キーワード | secondary osteoarthritis of the hip
developmental dislocation of the hip
femoral head, teardrop
備考 | 掲載順位 121 ;
発行日 | 2000-03-25
出版物タイトル | |
資料タイプ |
学位授与番号 | 乙第3437号
学位授与年月日 | 2000-03-25
授与大学 | 岡山大学
オフィシャル URL |
言語 |
論文のバージョン | none
査読 |