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Okayama Economic Review
Okayama Economic Review
Published by the Economic Association of Okayama University
volume37 issue3 (2005-12-10)
The Globalization and the Transformation of Auto Parts Suppliers in the Chugoku Region : The Effects of Global Sourcing and the Module Manufacturing System
Ohno, Takeshi
PP. 1 - 11
A view on incentive planning for R&D workers through a case study of the blue LED patent lawsuits in Japan
Fujii, Daiji
PP. 13 - 31
Evaluation of the Termination Clause in a Long Term Sales and a Joint Venture Agreement by Real Option Approach
Koyama, Yasuhiro
PP. 33 - 52
International Input-Output Table China-Japan 2000
Teng, Jian
PP. 53 - 73
A Study on the Executive’s Business Values Tradition : The Case Study of Shonosuke Hayashi at YOSHIMOTO KOGYO Applied the Metaphor for Gene Tradition
Matsuda, Yoichi
PP. 75 - 92
Ablösungen der Grundlasten auf dem westsächsischen Rittergut Limbach (1)
Matsuo, Nobushige
PP. 93 - 106
Rudolf Springer [Karl Renner] “Der Kampf der Oesterreichischen Nationen um den Staat” Erster Theil : Das nationale Problem als Verfassungs= und Verwaltungsfrage. (1)
Ota, Yoshiki
PP. 107 - 136
Hiroshi Tanaka. Economics of Accession to the EU and Transition. Minervashobo, 2005.
Taguchi, Masahiro
PP. 137 - 143