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Okayama Economic Review
Okayama Economic Review
Published by the Economic Association of Okayama University
volume28 issue1 (1996-06-05)
On Relation between Adjustment to Japanese Society and Social Support of Chinese Students Studying in Japan at Private Expense
Oka, Masumi
Fukada, Hiromi
Jou, Yuh Huey
PP. 1 - 22
Effectiveness of Performance Related Pay - Introduction and Its Outcome in the U. K. Civil Service -
Yamamoto, Kiyoshi
PP. 23 - 42
On the Agriculture, Fisheries and Manufacturing Industry in 1919
Kandatsu, Haruki
PP. 43 - 71
Memories of MS-DOS
Fujimoto, Takao
PP. 73 - 90
Polish System Transformation and Its Implication for the Technical Terms for Social Sciences
Taguchi, Masahiro
PP. 91 - 122
On Lectures in General Education
Kandatsu, Haruki
PP. 123 - 145
The Diaries ofthe Deserted Japanese Settlers in Anshan
Matsumoto, Toshiro
PP. 147 - 174
Work of Designers and Pattern-makers in Apparel Manufacturing Companies
Wakisaka, Akira
PP. 175 - 198
Volker Ruhland, Drei wichtige Persönlichkeiten der Jahre 1830 / 31 im Königreich Sachsen (I)
Matsuo, Nobushige
PP. 199 - 228
Gerhard Schmidt, Moderne sächsische Verfassungsgeschichte, hrsg. und übersetzt von Nobushige Matsuo
Chiba, Norio
PP. 229 - 237