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Okayama Economic Review
Okayama Economic Review
Published by the Economic Association of Okayama University
volume19 issue3-4 (1988-01-20)
McCulloch's Review on Ricardo's Principles of Political Economy
Hatori, Takuya
PP. 1 - 22
Various Interpretations of the "Liability Reserves" in the Japanese Commercial Code
Takeshita, Shozo
PP. 23 - 43
The Course to the Outbreak of the Great Depression in the United States
Habu, Yoshito
PP. 45 - 71
Reproduction Structure and Agricultural Problem of Present-day Japan
Hoshi, Makoto
PP. 73 - 97
The Problems of Land Prices and Tasks of Land Policy
Sakamoto, Chuji
PP. 99 - 118
Reorganization of the Composition of the Inhabitants in the Okayama Castle Town in the Early Meiji Era
Kandatsu, Haruki
PP. 119 - 141
U.S. External Adjustment Problem under the Third Phase of 'the Floating-Dollar System'
Tatebe, Kazuhiro
PP. 143 - 164
The Study of Japanese Economics and the Application of the Reproduction Theory
Takagi, Akira
PP. 165 - 182
Outline of Movement toward a Service Economy in Okayama
Hashimoto, Yoshizo
PP. 183 - 199
Scientific Thinking on Order-Formation
Takemura, Shosuke
PP. 201 - 220
Structural Change of the Regional Industry after the Oil Crisises - on Okayama City and Kurashiki City
Shimono, Katsumi
PP. 221 - 237
Marxian Economics after Keynes
Yagi, Kiichiro
PP. 239 - 257
The Conceptual Framework of Financial Accounting Accommodating the Statement of Funds Flow
Satoh, Michimasa
PP. 259 - 276
Lenin on Capitalism and the National Question
Ota, Yoshiki
PP. 277 - 297
Guantong (Kwantung) Province and the South Manchuria Railway Zone under the Japanese Domination
Matsumoto, Toshiroh
PP. 299 - 325
Adam Smith's Early Theory of Justice - Consideration of Anderson Note -
Niimura, Satoshi
PP. 327 - 347
Macro-Theory of Income Distribution and Effective Demand
Nanba, Yasuhiko
PP. 349 - 368
An Aspect of Spatial and Structural Changes in the Japanese Retail Market
Yamashita, Takahiro
PP. 369 - 385
Individual and Firm through Information in Sosiety
Nishikado, Masami
PP. 387 - 396
"Ingénieurs" in French Official Statistics
Sugimori, Koichi
PP. 397 - 412
The Employment and Unemployment of Asian Communities in United Kingdom
Mazane, Kazumi
PP. 413 - 428
Vorbemerkungen zu 3 Petitionen aus den südsächsischen zum Rittergut Purschenstein gehörigen Dörfern in 1848 und 1849
Matsuo, Nobushige
PP. 429 - 447
Horst Kern & Michael Schumann, Das Ende der Arbeitsteilung? Rationalisierung in der industriellen Produktion : Bestandsaufnahme, Trendbestimmung. 1984, Verlag C. H. Beck (West Germany), 361 S.
Nomura, Masami
PP. 449 - 463